quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

Resenha da Camila Darc

Meus caros, segue a resenha que a jovem Camila Darc (Blog No Limite da Leitura) fez para o livro "666 - Caçadores de Demônios". Visitem o blog da garota, que está comemorando 1 ano de atividades em prol da literatura. E aproveitem para participar dos sorteios de livros!

No limite da leitura

Resenha da Camila:

"666 – Caçadores de Demônios", do Tim Marvim, me surpreendeu muito. Quando recebi o livro não levei muita fé na estória, acho que talvez porque a capa não tenha me agradado, mas vejo que foi um erro enorme não ter dado tanta atenção pra ele logo de cara.

O Convento de Santa Maria Delle Grazie está prestes a receber uma visita importantíssima, o Beato Simão, o qual é conhecido por realizar inúmeros milagres, mas que na verdade não passa de um charlatão que paga as pessoas para se afirmarem como testemunhas ou ‘glorificadas’ por seus milagres. 
Neste mesmo convento mora Abelardo, um padre já com certa idade e que guarda um grande segredo: uma biblioteca secreta dentro do convento recheada de obras raras e únicas. Abelardo não quer morrer sem antes contar seu segredo para alguém, e o escolhido foi Michael. 
Michael fica encantado com todas as obras da biblioteca secreta, e em uma de suas visitas ao local ele descobre um compartimento escondido que leva à Biblioteca dos Cavaleiros Templários. Para ele e para Abelardo a nova descoberta é fascinante, mas tudo muda no dia em que padre Abelardo é encontrado morto, e Michael torna-se o principal suspeito. 
Agora Michael terá de fugir e provar sua inocência. E além de tudo terá de descobrir o que houve com a biblioteca dos cavaleiros, uma vez que depois da morte de Abelardo todas as obras sumiram misteriosamente. Mas ele não irá atrás do Tesouro dos Cavaleiros Templários sozinho, ele terá Michele ao seu lado, uma garota atrevida que irá fazer Michael reconsiderar a ideia de ser frade. 
Um livro maravilhoso! Recheado de aventuras que eu nem se quer tive espaço para mencionar aqui. Vale a pena ler essa obra do Tim e se encantar com a imaginação de um autor muito bom. O livro só não ganhou 5 estrelas devido à capa, que não me agradou, e à diagramação (as letras pequenas fizeram a leitura se tornar um tanto cansativa). Mas apesar desses únicos dois ‘porém’ o livro é recomendadíssimo.


666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here:

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

+ Opiniões sobre o Livro

    Hoje, quero aproveitar para pôr aqui no blog as palavras do Jhônatas Ribeiro, um rapaz bastante simpático que mora em Minas Gerais. Ele é um grande fã de ficção e comprou o livro "666 - Caçadores de Demônios" através do Mercado Livre. Já postei muita crítica desancando este meu romance e não vejo porque também não colocar de vez em quando alguns elogios. Grande abraço, Jhônatas, obrigado pelo carinho e amizade!

Opinião do Jhônatas Ribeiro

"Primeiramente, gostaria de parabenizar o autor Tim Marvim pela grande obra que é seu livro “666 - Caçadores de Demônios”. Fico feliz de saber que existe, sim, um autor brasileiro capaz de escrever uma ficção muito boa e tão deslumbrante quanto essa. Sem dúvida, ele é um escritor do calibre de Dan Brown, diria mesmo, um Dan Brown brasileiro. Seu livro traz uma viagem cheia de suspense, enigmas, paixão, etc. Trata-se de uma obra completa e, para mim, esse livro deve virar um filme. Sou grande fã de ficção e apoio essa ideia. Aliás, também sou fã de Dan Brown, li todos os seus romances e o livro do Tim Marvim chega a ser melhor do que o “Símbolo Perdido”. Realmente, amei o “666 – Caçadores de Demônios” e peço ao autor que siga essa carreira, que realmente vá adiante. Agradeço por estar expressando minha opinião sobre esse grande livro, que para mim é uma excelente obra."

O livro está sendo vendido pelo preço promocional 
de R$ 14,00 (+ R$ 6,00 de frete para todo o Brasil). 


email: timmarvim@ig.com.br

666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here:

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Deguste um Trecho em Inglês!

"All through the night the deceased would stand wake by her friends and family at the cathedral, for the burial had been scheduled for the afternoon of the next day. Darkness had fallen when Jacques de Molay embraced Charles de Valois, the tearful husband, who seemed to be prostrated by the unexpected tragedy. After expressing him some words of consolation, the Temple Grandmaster went to the King of France to express him his condolences as well, for himself and in the name of all his Order. He never found him in the nave, though, and began to seek for him in the several side chapels and transepts built around Notre-Dame. He walked the Cathedral up and down for some time after him, but the French King seemed to have mysteriously vanished. Finally, Jacques de Molay heard his voice coming from a dependency of the vestry. He was talking with Guillaume de Nogaret, one of his most despicable ministers and this secret conversation gave forth the feeling that they had both searched for the isolation of that lonely chamber to conspire at will. After hearing one of them mention his own name, the Grandmaster hid behind a fluted pillar better to eavesdrop what they were scheming. The king was sitting on a wooden pew placed against the stone wall, while his minister stood before him, expectantly wringing his hands.
‘It is decided, then,’ said Nogaret. ‘We cannot lose any more time!’
‘I can’t wait to grab the Knights Templar’s treasure any longer…’ replied the king, a lascivious glint on his eyes.
‘Early in the morning,’ affirmed Nogaret, ‘I shall send a regiment of the Royal Guards to break into the Temple and confiscate all the Order’s assets!  Rest assured, my king, my friend, they will dearly pay for their crimes!’
‘Nonetheless, I demand that every last one of them be arrested!’ joined the king. ‘I want the end of that accursed brotherhood after all the evil it brought upon France!...’
Listening to those words, Jacques de Molay felt a deep pang in his heart and was preyed upon by outright despair. Losing no more time, he went for some Knights Templar who were stationed as a cavalry guard outside the Cathedral mounting their coursers.
‘Get back at once to the Temple and tell Gilles de Sens to fetch all the treasure of our Order, the books, and every document to the harbor of La Rochelle, where several of our ships are anchored,’ he commanded. ‘This iniquitous king decided to steal everything, arrest all Knights Templar, and destroy our Brotherhood. At the same time, messengers should ride to our fortresses all over Europe telling our brethren everywhere to proceed likewise. As soon as the cargo is completely placed into the ships these are to set sail from La Rochelle with the uttermost urgency!  Kill all horses from exhaustion on the several roads that might be necessary, but this evil tiding must reach every last one of our strongholds as early as possible. As soon as I can disengaged myself from the burial trappings, I’ll ride to the Temple myself to decide on the place our embarkations should take the treasure of our holy Order,’ he finished. ‘Go now! May God have mercy on us!...’"

666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here:

quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013

Sorteio do Livro!

Atenção, pessoal! O blog Just Livros está completando 1 ano de atividades e, para comemorar, a jovem Amanda Nello está realizando diversos sorteios de livros, entre eles, o "666 - Caçadores de Demônios". Basta visitar o link abaixo e seguir as instruções para participar. 

Boa sorte!!!


666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here:

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

Capa Definitiva!

Após muitas tentativas, eis a capa definitiva do romance "666 - The Devil Stalkers" (Versão em inglês) do escritor Tim Marvim. O livro será vendido no formato e-book no site do Amazon. Aguardem!


666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here: