quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2013

Pictures of Michelangelo's Pieta / Fotos Pietà de Michelangelo

     Seguem, abaixo, algumas fotos da Pietà de Michelangelo. Esta fantástica escultura encontra-se na Basílica de São Pedro no Vaticano, um dos locais visitados por Michael e Michele, os dois protagonistas do romance "666 - Caçadores de Demônios" do escritor Tim Marvim. Em breve, o livro será vendido também no formato E-book através do site Amazon, tanto em língua portuguesa, quanto em inglês. Aguardem!

666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here:

quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013

Santa Maria delle Grazie

    Igreja e convento de Santa Maria delle Grazie em Milão (Itália), onde se iniciam as incríveis aventuras de Michael, personagem principal do romance "666 - Caçadores de Demônios". 
    O livro físico pode ser adquirido por  R$ 14,00 (+ frete de R$ 6,00 para qualquer parte do Brasil) através do seguinte E-mail: 



666 – The Devil Stalkers (novel)
For many centuries, the greatest secret of all times was kept under lock and seven keys by the cupola of the Roman Catholic Church. It was such a terrible secret that it could jeopardize mankind itself. Now the Dice of Fate were cast and the Powers of Darkness are blowing the Seeds of Evil everywhere. There is but a man who is able to stop the end of the times. Discover yourself not only this but also the password to other mysteries in the extraordinary novel written by Tim Marvim.

Now also for sale in Amazon (FREE MEMBERS PRIME).

Click here: